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Boat booms


Boat booms are a cheap and secure way to attach small boats in the harbour. The booms are easy to install and transport, if necessary.

Standard fitted boat boom consists of a strong, hot-dip galvanized metal frame, a plastic float and two mooring rings. An EPS foam-filled plastic float also functions as as a boom end fender.

Boat booms are attached to the pontoon with metal hinges or elastic rubber connections.

As an accessory, you can order 300 mm wide timber decking, metal rails to change the width of the boat space, and fenders.

  • Also try our web application and bring your idea to life! You can find the user manual here.
  • Are you involved in port design? You can download models of the boat boom and all our other products in the ProdLib environment. A detailed guide can be found here.

Price of Boat boom

Prices include 22% Estonian VAT. Prices do not include installation and transport costs. Delivery terms at the FCA plant in Keki 9, Näpi, Estonia.

NameProduct codePrice
Boat Boom 4 m12 42 00578€
Boat Boom 4 m, with wooden decking12 44 00849€
Boat Boom 5 m12 52 00610€
Boat Boom 5 m, with wooden decking12 54 00925€
Boat Boom 6 m12 62 00647€
Boat Boom 6 m, with wooden decking12 65 001205€
Boat Boom 7 m12 72 00710€
Boat Boom 7 m, with wooden decking12 75 001391€
Boat Boom 8 m12 82 001093€
Boat Boom 8 m, with wooden decking12 85 001815€
Boat Boom 9 m12 92 001169€
Boat Boom 9 m, with wooden decking12 95 001942€
Boat Boom 10 m12 02 001396€
Boat Boom 10 m, with wooden decking12 05 002233€

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