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Service pedestals


Service pedestals, from which vessels standing in the port conveniently receive electricity and water, are an important part of any major port.

Service pedestals for both heavy-duty pontoons and all other floating pontoons

In the case of heavy-duty pontoons, the locations of the posts must be established before manufacture, as the locations of the posts and the cable and water ducts are poured into the heavy-duty pontoon already during the manufacturing process. You will no longer be able to add service pedestals to them later.

Service pedestals can also be added later for marinas where timber pontoons on concrete floats or boat pontoons on plastic floats are used.

Service pedestral Andry Prodel +372 5304 4000 andry@topmarine.ee

How many pedestals are used?

Before choosing a service pedestal, you need to analyze how frequently you need to use it. Based on that, you can decide on the number of electrical outlets on the pedestal.

You can choose between 2, 4, or 6 outlet options.

  • All pedestals also work as pontoon lighting  during the dark time.
  • They are weatherproof – with an aluminum housing and plastic plugs.
  • Service pedestals provide electricity and water to yachts.
  • They also provide electricity for floating pontoon lighting.
  • Available are 16 to 250 A three-phase sockets.
  • The sockets on the pedestals can be locked.
  • It is possible to add a smart card system to the service pedestal.

Also read these useful articles:

Price of Service pedestal

Prices include 22% Estonian VAT. Prices do not include installation and transport costs. Delivery terms at the FCA plant in Keki 9, Näpi, Estonia.

Other marina products
Service Pedestal RM Platinum 2 x 16 amp, water1376€
Service Pedestal RM Platinum 4 x 16 amp, water1537€
Service Pedestal RM Platinum 6 x 16 amp, water1669€

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