22 years of experience with floating pontoons
We produce 4,500 m of floating pontoons each year
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Top Marine TMmarinas.com info@tmmarinas.com +372 5304 4000



Railings are an accessory for floating pontoons that are easy to overlook at first. However, once the railings are attached to the pontoon, it is much more comfortable to use.

In addition to comfort, the railings also make the use of the floating pontoon safer and more unique in appearance.

It is nice to lean on the railings while enjoying the sunset, to leave a towel on it when going for a swim, or hold on to it when moving around on the pontoon.

The product range includes 4-, 5- and 6-meter railings.


Railing Andry Prodel +372 5304 4000 andry@topmarine.ee

The railing is usually used to restrict the gangway. As the gangway is narrower than the floating pontoon, usually 1–1.2 m, and is often not horizontal but with a slope, it is more convenient to go to the floating pontoon if you hold on to the railings when crossing the gangway.

Railing with bench

Railing with a bench Andry Prodel +372 5304 4000 andry@topmarine.ee

The railing with a bench is only used on floating pontoons and not on gangways. The bench can border the entire perimeter of the floating pontoon, but it can also be used on only some sides.

The side of the floating pontoon on which the railing with a bench is placed depends, for example, on the direction of the sun or simply on where the better view is.

Attaching the railing to the floating pontoon is not too complicated.

Watch the video on how to install the railing:

Also read these useful articles:

Price of Railing

Prices include 22% Estonian VAT. Prices do not include installation and transport costs. Delivery terms at the FCA plant in Keki 9, Näpi, Estonia.

Railing 4 m164€
Railing 5 m171€
Railing 6 m225€
Railing-chair 4 m420€
Railing-chair 5 m444€
Railing-chair 6 m578€

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