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Mooring rings


If it is not a swimming pontoon, mooring rings or T-bollards are an essential component of any floating pontoon.

Depending on the size of the vessels, we offer either  T-bollards  or  boat lashing rings .

Mooring rings

Mooring ring Andry Prodel +372 5304 4000 andry@topmarine.ee

Mooring rings are used to attach smaller vessels with tensile strengths between 10kN and 20kN.

Depending on the surface material of the floating pontoon, the appropriate product must be selected.

Conventional mooring rings are attached through the beam of the wooden boarding of the floating pontoon or, in the case of a concrete pontoon, through a side fender. Mooring rings with a plate are attached to the concrete by bolts.

You can choose between durable hot-dip galvanized metal or stainless steel.



T-bollards are used to attach larger vessels with a tensile strength of 25 kN or more.

We offer three bollards of different sizes and strengths; the range of materials includes stainless steel and hot-dip galvanized metal.

In the case of a floating pontoon, the T-bollards must be fastened with screws to the beam of the boarding. In the case of a heavy-duty pontoon, they should be cast into the pontoon during its manufacture.

Mooring rings for heavy duty pontoons

When ordering a heavy-duty pontoon, our engineers will help with the distribution of boat places, so that the bollards or mooring rings will definitely stay in the right places.

Also read these useful articles:

Price of Mooring ring

Prices include 22% Estonian VAT. Prices do not include installation and transport costs. Delivery terms at the FCA plant in Keki 9, Näpi, Estonia.

Mooring rings
Mooring ring with a plate 12 x 265 mm, 10 kN15€
Mooring ring with a plate 16 x 265 mm, 20 kN27€
Mooring ring for timber decking 12 mm, 10 kN12€
Mooring ring for timber decking 20 mm, 20 kN78€
T-bollard RF 25 kN310€
T-bollard RF 50 kN449€
T-bollard RF 100 kN776€
T-bollard hot galvanized 25 kN95€
T-bollard hot galvanized 50 kN156€
T-bollard hot galvanized 100 kN254€

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