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Mooring fingers


Mooring fingers ensures the most secure fastening of vessels. The boom consists of a hot-dip galvanized metal frame, plastic floats, boom tip and wooden decking.

300-liter EPS-foam-filled sinking-proof plastic floats guarantee a high load capacity and, thanks to their conical shape, they are not endangered by ice or freezing during the winter. The wooden part is made of deep-impregnated pine wood and the decking is profiled to avoid sliding.

The boom is fitted to the pontoon by means of hinges or rubber connections that provide soundless connection.

For mooring vessels, the mooring fingers can be fitted with mooring rings or T-bollards.

  • Want to quickly visualize your idea and see its cost? Try our web application! (Instructions for use are here).
  • If you are an engineer or an architect, you can download the mooring finger as well as models of all our other products in the ProdLib environment. You can find detailed instructions by clicking on this link.

Price of Mooring finger

Prices include 22% Estonian VAT. Prices do not include installation and transport costs of mooring fingers. Delivery terms at the FCA factory in Keki 9, Näpi, Estonia.

NameProduct codePrice
Mooring finger 6 m13 06 002423€
Mooring finger 7 m13 07 002616€
Mooring finger 8 m13 08 003206€
Mooring finger 9 m13 09 003387€
Mooring finger 10,5 m13 02 005756€
Mooring finger 12 m13 22 006249€

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